PAR and the rest
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Juan José 'Peco' San Martín
2014-12-16 11:57:53 UTC
I use PAR::Packer as the best solution for deployment and distribution.
Currently ~ 10.000 distributions and more to come.

The 3 main advantages that I see (reasons to choose PAR versus others)

1) Free software (freedom) and community.
2) I need to deploy the distribution easily (avoid the Perl installation)
but not close the sources. The users can unzip the exe to take a look.
3) Multiplatform, I can PAR-exe for all the platforms I need (Linux,
Windows, OSX and other Unix*s)

Yep, in the other side I see some enhancements opportunities. But this is
good :-)

Somebody know how PerlApp (from ActiveState) works?. I see (at least in my
case) that the .exe generated is much smaller (and faster in the first run).
It seems to have a similar idea but maybe with a better compressor :-?

Juan José 'Peco' San Martín
2014-12-16 17:13:36 UTC

In my case:

with --clear => the first start is faster, but the following are slow
without => the first start is slower, but the others are very fast

So, in my case it's better the second option because the application is
executed several times a day.

Post by Juan José 'Peco' San Martín
that the .exe generated is much smaller (and faster in the first run).
did you compare with a PAR-exe built with --clean? Startup time on the
first run is about 3 times faster with --clean than without.
Cheers, Christoph