compiled program does not do anything
(too old to reply)
2014-11-07 17:13:05 UTC
I've compiled a program, apparently successfully, but when I run the executable it returns nothing.

C:\hunter\btscan\logscan\bin>perl logscan.pl -V

C:\hunter\btscan\logscan\bin>logscan.exe -V

The command I've used is
pp -gui -lib=<local lib> --link=<local lib> -o logscan.exe logscan.pl
I'm using Strawberry Perl 5.20.1 on a Windows 2012 box with a fixed PAR:Packager 1.023 ( typo edited ).
We've been using PerlApp from ActiveState but would like to move off it, so are looking at PAR::Packager. I compiled a small test program (basically just Hello World ) prior to attempting this, and that worked.
Rowland Swain
Roderich Schupp
2014-11-09 14:39:57 UTC
I’ve compiled a program, apparently successfully, but when I run the
executable it returns nothing.
Sorry, there's too little information in your post for a diagnosis.
Try to shrink the program down to a few lines (while still failing) that
you can post here.

The command I’ve used is
pp –gui –lib=<local lib> --link=<local lib> –o logscan.exe logscan.pl
Is logscan.pl really a GUI (Tk, Gtk, Qt etc) program? If not, drop the
--gui flag.

Cheers, Roderich
